Membership Criteria
We Want Your Leadership and Passion!
The Rotary Club of Waikiki is growing and we want you to be part of that growth. Our club membership is diverse and rich. Current club members span across over dozens of professional classifications and include the presidents of major educational institutions, senior level officers in Honolulu’s major businesses, partners in leading law firms, executives and directors of non profit institutions, top officers of city and county governmental organizations, many business owners and public affairs senior staff members. We seek to include the following member profiles:
A person who has interest in performing community service including at least one of the below:
- Is a leader or about to be a leader in their career field
- Retired from a worthy and recognized business or profession, including any branch of the armed forces of the United States and looking to continue to serve
- A community leader who has demonstrated through personal involvement in community affairs a commitment to service
- Individuals looking to add more meaning to their lives and that are seeking ways to have an impact
Has sufficient capability to meet financial requirements of membership
- The standard Annual Dues are $340 per year.
- Lunches are currently $37.50 and we meet for lunch every Wednesday except the first Wednesday of each month.
- There is no initiation fee
- Members are expected to annually contribute at least $250 annually for our club fundraiser (dinner and entertainment are included in this fee)
- Members are asked to give to the Rotary Foundation at least $25 annually
Other Requirements
- Not belong to any other Rotary club
- Have control over their calendar and strive to meet a minimum of 50% attendance at our weekly meetings
- Get to know other club members
- Active participation in committees, board, and or community service projects
Membership is by invitation and requires a sponsor currently within our club and are subject to the recommendation of the Membership Committees and the approval by the Waikiki Rotary Board of Directors.
Who Should Consider Becoming a Member of the Rotary Club of Waikiki?
A primary consideration on the part of a potential candidate is that they are a participating self-starter. Waikiki Rotary seeks as members adults who adhere to strong ethical standards, have good reputations and are established professionals who have demonstrated leadership in their business and community activities. Most are engaged as proprietors, partners, corporate officers or senior level managers in a recognized business or profession.